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Harris Walz
for President



Along with a team of talented video producers, editors, and animators, I helped to create short-form video ads to support the Harris for President campaign's paid media ad program. Our creative content helped voters in battleground states learn more about VP Harris, what she stands for, and what issues are at stake in the 2024 Presidential Election.


A majority of my projects were 9x16 vertical video advertisements for paid social media - in :06, :15, or :30s formats. But I had a handful of other fun requests like designing animated GIFs, creating props for film sets, and working with editors to create animated VFX and text-on-screen moments to make their videos shine. 


Animated GIFs | These are just a few of the animated GIFs I contributed to our GIPHY account. You can find them by searching "HFP2024" in your GIPHY keyboard, Instagram stickers, or find them on our GIPHY!

hearts for harris-02.gif
Lets Go_Coach Walz.gif

SCOTUS Collage Animation | Paid Media

I created a collage animation that highlights VP Harris's promise to Americans to restore our reproductive freedoms. This ad reminds viewers that Donald Trump hand-picked three Supreme Court Justices because he intended for them to overturn Roe v. Wade - and they did.


I created an A and B version of the ad - the A version tested +1.4pt voter persuasion, and the B version tested +2.6pt voter persuasion! 



Reproductive Freedoms, Contrast Ad | Paid Media

This direct-to-camera (DTC) video ad shows Kamala Harris's stance on reproductive freedom in contrast with Donald Trump. The ad was produced by a large team, and my role in this ad was to re-design the text-on-screen and graphics to reflect the new Harris Walz branding. I also reformatted the ad from the TV format to social formats. I've never worked on an ad for TV before, and this is my very first one, so it was super exciting for me!!


+3.6pt voter persuasion

9x16 and 4x5 Social Ads | *Note that these two ads are the same as the TV ad above, reformatted for social media

Prosecutor v Felon | Paid Media

This ad was created by a video producer on my team Michelle Dao. The video juxtaposes Kamala Harris's career as a prosecutor with Donald Trump's track record as a 34x convicted felon. My role in this ad was light editing, text on screen visuals, closed captions, and resizing the ad for social formats. Honestly I am only responsible for like 5% of this ad but it's so good I had to show you!

9x16 and 4x5 Social Ads | *Note that these two ads are the same as the TV ad above, reformatted for social media

Project 2025 Animated Video Ad | Paid Media

Did you know that Donald Trump's Project 2025 Agenda is 900 pages long? And that it would weaken the middle class? (boooo~) The creative animated visuals in this ad illustrate VP Harris's comments about Project 2025 made during a speech.


Two fun facts about this ad:

—I created it before the established Harris Walz brand, so I have a version of it in both brand styles

—the animated map that shows various aspects of Project 2025 is like very accurate - thanks to the legal and research teams who reviewed it with care


+3.6pt voter persuasion!!

Voting Cards | Paid Media Ads

This creative was produced by Claire Colbert and written by Eric March. I had a very very fun job which was writing the messages onto the posters with a giant smelly sharpie marker! :~))

Text On Screen | I love text. I love to lay out text on a screen. These are just a few samples of transparent .MFX overlays I created to support various editors' videos. Though simple to the eye, sometimes it was a challenge to balance compositional elements so that the video subject matter, caption layer, and text-on-screen all worked in harmony.


My favorite ones to create were the animated news headlines. It's a visually appealing way to site information that works in the brand typography style and also avoids copyright issues involved with showing news source logos and mastheads.

ALWAYS_About Him.gif

47 Days 'Til We Elect Our 47th President | Organic Social

This organic social video was created by two amazing producers on my team, Nicole Ro and Sonia Szczesna. The video was posted on the @KamalaHarris Instagram feed 47 days out from the election. My role in this video was creating the riser animation text on screen visual for "47 Days Out" and the end card, which was envisioned and directed by Sonia Szczesna. You can watch the video here<3 It has over 47K likes!

from the courthouse-min.gif
47 days out-min.gif

Vote by Mail, Vote Early | 6s Paid Social Ads

These are little 6s videos that remind voters to request their ballots, send their ballots, and vote early in their states! ​

EARLY VOTE_6s_min.gif

*I made these in custom versions for all of the battleground states. 

Obama GOTV Ads | Paid Media Ads for Social & TV

I helped produce a set of Get Out The Vote ads created by Obama for voters in battleground states. These videos of Obama speaking encourage voters to go to the polls with their friends and family to cast their votes. I created these ads for every battleground state - so, his opening "Hey Georgia" was also a "Hey Pennsylvania", "Hey Michigan" and so on! I created 3 specs of ads for 8 states, so 24 pieces total <3

VOTE_2x copy.png

Animated QR Visuals | Paid Media for TV, and Rally Venue Signage

I was given a brief to come up with a creative way to display a QR code with text: "Make your plan to vote!" I was told the visual would be used as on-screen signage during rally events. I made something fun and we also ended up using it as a TV ad too. I used our brand typeface and colors to create a hypnotizing lo-fi visual<3

Usher GOTV Ads | Paid Media
The lo-fi gradient I used in the QR/CTA visuals above^ inspired a handful of end cards that I made for various videos, including the :05s end card on this amazing Usher video produced by Ja'niyah Blanton!

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